
국제이주기구 한국대표부, 인도적 지원 상황에서의 젠더기반폭력(GBV) 대응 심화과정 워크숍 개최

*본 내용은 영어로만 제공됩니다

Seoul – The IOM Republic of Korea (ROK) Mission, with support from the Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), hosted the  ‘Advanced Training on Addressing Gender-based Violence (GBV) in Crises’ on 27 to 28 October 2020.

The training workshop was organized to address the gap between increasing involvement of ROK humanitarian actors in GBV intervention in the field and their capacity to plan and deliver quality GBV projects in line with international standards. The workshop particularly aimed to equip ROK humanitarian practitioners with readily applicable knowledge and skills for GBV intervention in humanitarian contexts, including coordination, referral systems, local partnership, specialized and non-specialized assistance and M&E. The training was attended by 19 practitioners from ROK NGOs engaged in GBV programming and overseas humanitarian assistance, and all completed the training.

Alexandra Valerio, Regional Protection and GBV Specialist, IOM Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, and Megan Denise Smith, Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Officer, IOM Bangladesh in Cox´s Bazar, led the workshop based on IOM’s experience in GBV response. Due to cross-border travel restrictions posed by the ongoing COVID-19 situation, the workshop combined online video conferencing with the trainers and on-site group work among the trainees.

“Gender Based Violence (GBV) happens at all times and is exacerbated during emergency situations. Lack of adequate prevention and mitigation measures during the design, planning, implementation and monitoring stages of humanitarian projects can lead to creating or exacerbating risks of GBV and creating further harm to persons at risk of GBV or already experiencing GBV. I am glad to be working together with ROK humanitarian colleagues so that greater coordination and partnership could be achieved at the field and HQs levels”, said Alexandra Valerio.

The first day started by recapping core concepts of GBV, such as the definitions, forms, consequences, root causes and contributing factors. Response principles were highlighted again with the review of the Inter-Agency Minimum Standards for GBV in Emergencies Programming by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC).

Following the refresher of the introductory GBV webinar, the workshop expanded to programmatic areas ranging from promoting women’s participation and Women and Girl’s Safe Spaces (WGSS) to more specialized assistance, such as psychosocial support, health care, and legal aid. Project examples and group exercises supplemented lectures throughout the workshop, providing ample opportunities to the participant to build up hands-on skills and knowledge.  

On day two, participants were trained on proposal development and indicator setting for M&E. Some of the selected cases from the participants, such as success stories or mistakes from their own experience, were also shared to promote peer-to-peer learning.

Prior to the training, a preparatory webinar introducing the basic concepts and principles of GBV programming was hosted by IOM ROK on 24 September 2020, which was attended by approximately 93 ROK NGO practitioners and government officials. 

Since 2015, IOM ROK has taken an important role in providing a wide range of capacity-building support for ROK humanitarian actors with funding support from US Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA).


For more information please contact Eunice Jieun KIM, IOM Republic of Korea Mission, Tel.: +82 70 4820 0291, Email: jikim@iom.int.